It may have started off as a Pagan holiday and masked under Christianity by people who wish to control the will and hope of others. Historically, it has it's many masks due to ill will and ulterior motives. However, growing up, Christmas for me was getting together with family & friends, celebrating each other's company and rewarding each other's goodwill with a gift.
Also, being born and raised Catholic, Christmas had another deep meaning for me. A story that was told to me from time to time of a child's birth. This child who would one day unite many people with love, peace, and sacrifice. Even if it were a made up story, you have to admit it is a beautiful story about the spirit of man.
I don't know what were the intentions behind those who may or may not fabricated the story and I, like you, never will. And many people may not believe it or feel as if it was just another ploy for religion to control the masses, so to speak. But where's the harm in good people believing in another good person who made it his life's work to unite us all under peace. This is not a question of faith in someone you never got to see with your own eyes, this is about the faith and hope in all of us as humans being good to one another because we want to be.
As I said, I don't know what the intentions were behind such a great story. But I do know this, because of this "fable" my life, my soul, my love will always have an abundance of hope for the spirit of all men, women, & children. Forget about the religious causes, forget about the presents, forget about the Pagan like rituals just remember what Christmas should be for us all and everyday of the year, it should continue to be about PEACE.