Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Your Enemy (Social Network Blocker)

Erase me, deface me
Six months later you'll be requesting me
liking my status
hum drumming through my pics
wondering what I've been up to and who I've been with.

All along the enemy was in your head, on your list of friends
thumbs up to every vile thing you said
Not helping you get out of your rut
but burying you with lies until you're dead


Can't you see? The enemy...
It's not me

Adding fuel to fire with their lowly comments
The devil is a liar so they say
it's usually the ones who are negative and angry everyday

Can't you see? The enemy
It's not me.

It's always been bundled up inside of you
wrapped up with your insecurities
and your sad attempts to gain sympathy
Squatting on your five year old temper tantrums,
in hopes that you would lose all control.

Lingering and waiting like a monster under your bed.
You see the enemy
it's not me...
it's in your head

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